One Sure Thing: Weight Loss Fights Diabetes

People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or its precursor, metabolic syndrome, are faced with a dizzying array of diet advice, making it difficult to know what to do. For many, losing weight is an important part of their treatment plan. Adults who follow a diet and exercise plan lower their risk of diabetes by 58 percent, according to a large national study. Experts advise the tried and true methods of eating sensibly and exercising daily. "Energy balance and weight management, I know it's boring, but it's true," says University of North Carolina professor Elizabeth Mayer-Davis. "And exercise is crucial.
It not only speeds weight loss, but it also helps improve insulin sensitivity so blood glucose levels don't spike." Atkin's diet book co-author Dr. Eric Westman has seen many lose weight by choosing fats and proteins over carbohydrates, but most experts agree that more research is needed into such radical diets. "The new science into the role of fats and proteins in causing diabetes is exciting and important to better understand a deadly disease, but most of the findings are still in animal models," says Dr. John Buse, director of UNC's Diabetes Care Center. "For clinicians who help people manage their diabetes, radical changes in diet recommendations and interventions are not yet warranted." Buse recommends a diet with a wide variety of healthy foods eaten in moderation.

Source: Charlotte Observer (NC)
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Publication Date: 1/4/2011
Author: Avery, Sarah

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