A Way to Good Oral Health

What you don’t chew may harm you… when it comes to gum, that is.

Chewing a non dental gum often leads to cavities and tooth decay. However, chewing gum is not bad. It is, in fact, encouraged because of its oral health benefits provided one chews on the right kind of gum.

Chewing gum helps boost mental and physical energy. It increases blood flow to the brain by producing more oxygen, raises glucose levels and the disposal of carbon dioxide, thus fueling both the mind and the body.

Chewing gum helps to manage weight.

Some studies show that adults who chewed gum ate 36 calories less of it than adults who did not chew gum. Interestingly, both regular and sugar-free gum helped the adults eat less.
Similarly, the physical act of chewing gum may also help reduce cravings for high calorie snacks, and can even burn about 11 calories per hour.

Chewing gum improves oral health. It stimulates saliva, a powerful protector against potentially harmful substances and bacteria inside our mouth.

Increased amounts of saliva help flush out sugars, food debris and acids that cause decay. Chewing gum also freshens breath as it helps whiten the teeth by reducing stains and preventing them from accumulating while helping reduce plaque.

That’s why whenever you feel like chewing gum, choose the one that’s recommended by dentists Xylitol Dental Gum.

Unlike other gums, Xylitol is the first dental health gum in the country that contains xylitol, a safe and natural “sugar-free” sweetener found in berries, fruits, vegetables and mushrooms.
Although as sweet as sucrose or table sugar, xylitol has about 40 percent less its calories. More importantly, when compared to table sugar that feeds cavity causing bacteria in the mouth and makes them multiply fast, xylitol reduces the growth of these harmful bacteria, and thus helps to reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Xylitol Dental Gum by Lotte Philippines is available in leading supermarkets, drugstores and convenience stores nationwide.

(source: Phil Star)

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