Glow With Fruits

THE benefits of fruit go beyond improving your health.

Fruit is so versatile. It’s good for both health and beauty. You can treat your skin with fresh fruit. Fruit is the secret ingredient behind sensuous skin.

Stop spending a lot on costly beauty products or on expensive spa treatments. Anything you can do at a spa, you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Here’s how:

* Remove skin debris with pumpkin filling and nutmeg. Get a can of pumpkin and keep it in the refrigerator. Take a scoop and mix it with a sugar honey exfoliant.

* Apply cranberry juice as a cleanser. It’s slightly acidic and has antibacterial properties, so it tones while cleansing at the same time.

* Crush a peeled tomato, and spread it over your face. Tomatoes contain acids that balance the skin’s pH levels and tighten pores.

* Mash half a banana and rub it into clean, dry skin. Leave it on for five minutes. Then rinse well. This mask will leave your skin baby soft, plus the potassium in the bananas will help erase any circles under your eyes.

* Mash half a ripe peach, and rub it into your face in a circular motion to bring out the glow.

(source: Journal Online)

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