Signs of anemia in children

PARENTS sometimes do not notice the symptoms of anemia that appear in children. If untreated anemia can cause serious ailments. Here are the symptoms to watch:

* If the child is often lethargic, often sleepy, wants to sleep, lazy or eat a lot but still thin, it could mean anemia.

* Children who eat a lot but still underweight because of having worms, the worm infection can also cause anemia.

This is because worms eat all the nutrients including iron, causing the child to be malnourished.

Other conditions to check is the child's palm, if it is slightly bent and looks pale then he may have anemia. Check also the nail color if it looks pale.

If the above conditions are positive, observe whether the child’s diet was complete or not. Give him iron-rich foods or iron-fortified iron or iron supplements.

Before doing the examination given supplements of hemoglobin to determine its value or it could be examined to know if the child's stool has worms or not.

The untreated anemia can lead to learning difficulties, decreased school or sports achievement, lower IQ scores and lethargic. Iron can be obtained from red meat, green vegetables and nuts, and consumption of vitamin C can help increase iron absorption.

Iron is needed to assist the process of formation of red blood cells and also helps metabolize energy and improve concentration. The need for iron depends on the child's age, generally for school children required 10 mg/day.

Anemia usually occurs because the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin levels is below normal, whereas the red blood cells serve to bring food and oxygen around the body.

(GladChildhood.blogspot), Photography (


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