St. Louis, Ferguson Violence Over Jury's Decision - In Photos Updates

BREAKING: Protesters gathered in Ferguson, (St. Louis) following the disagreement of jury's decision not to indict Darrent Winson on Michael Brown's shooting. IN PHOTOS UPDATES. Tear gas and canisters fired to disperse protesters. Protesters burnt police cab along the streets.

A grand jury has decided not to charge a Missouri policeman over the death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.

Announcing the decision, state prosecutor Robert McCulloch said the jury exhaustively examined evidence.

Mr Brown's family said they were "profoundly disappointed". Shots were fired, and cars and buildings were set on fire after the announcement.

Michael Brown, 18, was killed by Darren Wilson in Ferguson on 9 August. His death sparked weeks of demonstrations.

As the decision was announced late on Monday, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the police department in Ferguson, a suburb of St Louis.

They followed on radios and mobile phones as Mr McCulloch made a statement explaining the decision.

Tear gas
The prosecutor said that the jury's job had been to separate fact from fiction, and that some witness statements had been contradicted by physical evidence.

"These grand jurors poured their hearts and soul into this process," he said.


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