Alleged Photos of Super Typhoon Amang to Hit Philippines on Jan. 2015 Goes Viral

Alleged super typhoon Amang threatens to hit Philippines on Jan. 2015 photos became viral and trending online. The super typhoon Amang photos shows it is still too far from the Philippines and it is said that it may gain more strength while traveling at sea. The images posted were really came from JTWC and JMA websites.

January 7, 2014 - According to JTWC that the weather disturbance now has a 15-20 knots of wind near the center and a circulation (eye) has been seen.

Philippines has always been hit by strong typhoon and until now it is still recovering from damages brought by super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) and typhoon Hagupit (Ruby).

This new weather disturbance which Joint Typhoon Weather Center (JTWC) marked as MEDIUM which means it has a possibility to become a typhoon or even super typhoon "Amang". The photo and reports garnered thousands of likes and shares online but websites who published the article said na HUWAG MAGPANIC.

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