Guy With 200 IQ Believes in God But Not in Religion

Christopher Langan

Christopher Langan is considered the smartest man in America. In 1999, Robert Novelly a neuropsychologist stated that his I.Q is between 195-210. He attempted to solve the mind-body problem using CTMU (Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe). Using CTMU, he claimed that he can prove the existence of God. He believes in Darwin's evolutionary theory and considers it as one of the tools used by God and the universe to create mankind. However, Langan is against the idea of organized religions. He sees religion as a way to control the masses.

Langan has a prominent physique because he worked as a bouncer. His looks may contradict the whiny-nerd stereotype of smart people. He is well versed in Greek philosophy and may have followed the sound mind and body mantra. During his spare time as a bouncer, he developed his own Theory of Everything. He is an autodidact and taught himself to learn many different subjects in increasing complexity. It is reported that he got a perfect score on his SAT, even though he slept through most of it.

god, science

How Can He Prove The Existence of God?

He studied philosophy, science and mathematics and he attempted to reconcile it with the idea of God. The result of his in-depth study of philosophy, science, and mathematics is his own theory, the CTMU. CTMU is mostly metaphysical in nature with some applications of scientific and mathematical principles or theories. The theory is his own take on property dualism and may serve as a basis of logical theology. He said that a denial of God can be refuted by rational or empirical means.

According to Langan:
The real universe has always been theoretically treated as an object, and specifically as the composite type of object known as a set. But an object or set exists in space and time, and reality does not. Because the real universe by definition contains all that is real, there is no "external reality" (or space, or time) in which it can exist or have been "created".
dualism, monism

His theory is neutral monistic in nature and suggests that the universe is made up of both mind and matter. The roots of the debate between rationalism and empiricism can be traced back to the time of the Ancient Greeks. In the form of the conflict between Aristotle's realism and Plato's nominalism or nature vs nurture. Aristotlean realism asserts that things exist even though there is one to perceive them, while Plato's nominalism asserts the existence of abstract objects that do not exist in the material world but resides on the ideal or Platonic world.

 In the 17th Century, Rene Descartes introduced the eponymous Cartesian mind-matter dualism, since then, it became a source of several centuries of debate regarding the nature of reality. The debates are between empiricists and rationalists. The debate turned out to be productive and gave rise to the development of Artificial intelligence and computer programming.

rationalist, empiricist

Finally, in his short introduction of CTMU he explained how his theory can prove the existence of God:
What does this say about God? First, if God is real, then God inheres in the comprehensive reality syntax, and this syntax inheres in matter. Ergo, God inheres in matter, and indeed in its spacetime substrate as defined on material and supramaterial levels. This amounts to pantheism, the thesis that God is omnipresent with respect to the material universe. 
Now, if the universe were pluralistic or reducible to its parts, this would make God, Who coincides with the universe itself, a pluralistic entity with no internal cohesion. But because the mutual syntactic consistency of parts is enforced by a unitary holistic manifold with logical ascendancy over the parts themselves - because the universe is a dual-aspected monic entity consisting of essentially homogeneous, self-consistent infocognition - God retains monotheistic unity despite being distributed over reality at large.
empirism, atomism, rationalism, holism

The epistemological map of Ronny Gunnarson can explain Christopher Langan's assertion. Other than the debates between empiricists and rationalists, the conception and discovery of atoms also gave rise to scientific breakthroughs. Thales of Miletus thought that all things are full of gods. His statement became a precursor to the conception of philosophical atom proposed by Democritus. The previously thought philosophical atom became scientific when John Dalton published his work "New System of Chemical Philosophy" (1808). Since then, the study of atoms equally benefited and doomed mankind, splitting the atom is a double-edged sword. As of now, there are 61 confirmed elementary particles in The Standard Model. It is true that the universe is pluralistic or reducible to its parts according to quantum cosmology.

The Unitary holistic manifold may mean that the CTMU is pantheistic in nature because Langan said that 'God retains monotheistic unity despite being distributed over reality at large'. To conclude this, what Langan may mean is that people have many interpretations of God. Most scientists and mathematicians believe in the existence of a Creator or God. But religions are the most dominant interpreter of deities. Christopher Langan also has his views about organized religion and it's not that positive.

Christopher Langan On Organized Religions

He is against the idea of organized religions. He sees religion as a way to control the masses. Throughout history, religion has been used by tyrants to condition the populace and to justify holy wars that claimed millions of lives. It is also a way for tyrants to perpetuate themselves in power. He sees it as a form of slavery both mentally and physically, by promising afterlives, promote inequality, oppression, and elitism. He believes that the mutually conflicting promises of many religions could bring doom to mankind.

According to Langan:

But although religion has often been employed for evil by cynics appreciative of its power, several things bear notice.

(1) The abuse of religion, and the God concept, has always been driven by human politics, and no one is justified in blaming the God concept, whether or not they hold it to be real, for the abuses committed by evil men in its name. Abusus non tollit usum.

(2) A religion must provide at least emotional utility for its believers, and any religion that stands the test of time has obviously been doing so.

(3) A credible religion must contain elements of truth and undecidability, but no elements that are verifiably false (for that could be used to overthrow the religion and its sponsors). So by design, religious beliefs generally cannot be refuted by rational or empirical means.

Written by Adjie Perez, Lucis Philippines contributor.

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