Caretakers, Domestic Helpers In Taiwan To Raise Minimum Wage to NT19,000?

The minimum wage of caretakers, caregivers, domestic helpers currently seats at NT$ 17,000 or around Php28,500 per month. A closed door meeting from labor chiefs of Taiwan have been held concerning the the rights of migrant workers in Taiwan, specially the dometic household workers.

Indonesian Minister of Manpower arrived in Taiwan to have a talk and raise concerns of fellow countrymen. Indonesian domestic helpers tops the chart in terms of numbers of migrant workers in Taiwan, Philippines comes second.

The Indonesian government open up and requesting a raise for the caregivers, caretakers and domestic helpers from NT$17,000 to NT$19,000 (Php32,000). If one group raises minimum wage, therefore all domestic helpers will have a raise if it will be approved by the Taiwan government.

This group of workers are not inuded in Taiwan's Labor Standards Act and earn less than who work in factories like electronics, semiconductor, textile and others.

There are about 253,000 plus caregivers, caretakers and  household workers in Taiwan that mainly come from Indonesia (193,187) while others from the Philippines (31,600) and Vietnam (28,392). 

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