5 Reason Why You Need To Visit Ximending In Taiwan

Ximending is the shopping district of Taiwan, locals and tourist flocks here for a great souvenir buy. The best time to go here during the afternoon although that same time it’s getting crowded and the best time to haggle for some items at different stores.

There are lots of things to do in in Ximending apart from shopping. Here are the five reasons why you need to visit Ximending when you travel Taiwan:

1.      Shop Til You drop
You have a pure talent if you can haggle prices of products you want to buy. There is almost everything here that you can buy from dress, bags, wallets, shoes, caps and many more. This is also the best place to buy your souvenirs for you family or friends. You may also visit the Red House for some original Taiwan designed items.

2.      Food Galore
There are lots of foods stalls around the area, how about eating while shopping? Good idea right? A large fried chicken combined with a bubble milk tea, sounds perfect. You can also find here some popular restaurants like The Toilet Restaurant, Mala Hotpot, Starbucks to name a few.

3.      Play claw machine game
You can find claw machines everywhere in Taiwan, but Ximending is the perfect place to play them probably to take a rest from your shops. Stuff toys, chocolates, anime figures, headsets, phone chargers and even PlayStations and smartphones are the prizes.

4.      Watch a movie
Yes, there a movie theater in Ximending under Vieshow Cinema, showing are local and international movies. The line here can go long when there is a blockbuster movie showing. Ticket prices are just the same at the malls, but with its location it is a perfect one.

5.      Enjoy live performances
There are live performances in Ximending mostly local and some are international, there are magicians around, singers and rappers, puppet show and any different kinds of talent, it is like watching a talent show up close, if you like their performances don’t forget to drop a little tip.

How to go to Ximending?
From Taipei Main Station, take MRT Blue line to Ximen and take Exit 5 or Exit 6.

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