Taiwan Already Hit By 10 Earthquakes With 5.0 Magnitude Since Start Of 2019

Since the start of year 2019, Taiwan has been hit 10 earthquakes with a strength of magnitude 5.0 for less than four months while there is an average of 22 for 1 whole year according to Central Weather Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan.

Though as per CWB it is still within the reasonable range and does not indicate higher frequency of earthquakes even the number of earthquakes are higher than the same period in previous years. 70% of earthquakes are mostly encountered in northeastern Taiwan.

According to the bureau’s Seismology center, Taiwan meets a 2-3 earthquakes with magnitude 6.0-7.0 and 22 earthquakes with magnitude 5.0-6.0 annually.

Everyone are advised to stay alert every time and follow all safety guideline to avoid more further accident. Always prepare the first aid kit and participate in any fire drill and earthquake drill in the country.

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