Misguided Counsel

Image courtesy of www.en.clipdealer.com

The moment Rumored Lover (RL) learned that Sought-after Actor (SA) visited a former Co-worker (CW) at her home, countless thoughts entered her mind. The most glaring was, of course, the state of their relationship now that SA and CW met. RL knew that day would come, but confronting the moment was something she was not prepared to deal with.

However, the advantage of RL over CW is allegedly the physical intimacy she gives SA. That night, RL gave SA the performance of her life to ensure that he will not forget. After their passionate encounter, RL asked SA what transpired during the said visit. SA said that he was happy with the visit and he was very ecstatic with what he saw and felt. RL then ruined the moment by asking SA if he were sure that he saw his own. RL suggested a DNA test.

Allegedly, SA told a Close Staff (CS) about what RL said. CS fumed at what he heard and could not believe RL could be so callous. Having a DNA test would insult CW, who might subsequently decide to keep to herself if such a request would be relayed. Thus, SA could be devastated, as he would no longer be allowed to visit. Besides, CS cautioned that people might spread rumors that a DNA test has been taken given that SA and CW are high profile celebrities, and privacy, these days, is hard to keep.

CS was not yet done. He advised SA to stop listening to the advice of RL. They should just stick to their intimate encounters, if those physical moments are what SA wants from RL. She might even be a jinx to his career if he mulls over what she wants him to do. In addition, CS said that SA should not let RL meddle in his personal affairs. So, now, the ball is in the hands of SA as to whether he will make a choice between RL and CW, who currently has the advantage of having what RL does not have.  

‘People are full of great advice... Professors, parents, friends mean well... But in the end, the person driving this thing called life is you. Listen to you. Spend time being alone. Learn your worth. Dream. And never forget where you came from.’ – Brooke Baldwin

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