Woman Who Chose ‘6ft Donor’ Takes Sperm Bank To Court After Giving Birth To Dwarf

sperm bank, dwarfism

A woman in Russia has taken a sperm bank to court after she gave birth to a boy with dwarfism, despite the chosen father being over six feet tall.

The Danish sperm bank is now under investigation, with it being blocked in Russia, being an international sperm bank.

It’s not one you hear very often, is it, this story? It brings to mind that tale that turned out to be a hoax where a guy ended up taking his wife to court because their children came out ugly and he found out she’d had plastic surgery.

This is very much real though, and must be very hard for the young man in question if and when he finds out that his mother decided to sue the company “responsible” for him having dwarfism.

The woman – a successful writer in her 40s – chose the father of her son after being seduced by his fair hair and the fact that he was over six feet tall. She decided to go ahead with the sperm donor route, since she thought it was her last chance of having a child.

She underwent successful IVF trials in Moscow, Russia, however during the pregnancy, she learned that her unborn son had achondroplasia.

Achondroplasia is a rare, incurable disease that leads to dwarfism in one in 20,000 babies.

The doctors’ suspicions were confirmed when the child – now two-years-old – was born and after a series of tests, they revealed that he wouldn’t grow over four feet high and that his limbs and facial features would not develop “correctly”.

Koptevsky District Court have now ordered the website for Cryos, the Danish sperm bank, should be blocked in Russia. Health watchdog Roszdravnadzor were also displeased with the sperm bank, saying that the case files for the donors and their ‘medical genetic examination’ and ‘mental and physical condition’ were not up to scratch.

The watchdog said:

“It is not possible to confirm the reliability of the information received.”

Cyros stated that they screen donors for 46 of the most common recessive genetic diseases, and said that while their “material” is of the highest quality, they can’t be held responsible for the mistakes of the IVF practitioners.

The sperm bank told Moskovsky Komsomolets:

“We only know that our biomaterial is of high quality.”

Interestingly, this is mainly just a knee-jerk reaction based on what is probably just a genetic mutation that can’t be traced. Only 20% of achondroplasia cases are hereditary, with it mainly just being luck of the draw.

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