Understanding LTE Signal Strength Values

Understanding LTE Signal Strength

Understanding LTE signal strength can be confusing. We crafted the simple chart below to make it a little easier. The graphic below shows what values are considered good and bad signal quality scores for various communication wave lengths:

Signal Type Definitions

Below are explanations of the LTE signal strength values (and also RSSI in relation to LTE):
  • SINR/SNR – The signal-to-noise ratio of the given signal.
    RSRP – The average power received from a single Reference signal, and Its typical range is around -44dbm (good) to -140dbm(bad).
    RSRQ – Indicates quality of the received signal, and its range is typically -19.5dB(bad) to -3dB (good).
    RSSI – Represents the entire received power including the wanted power from the serving cell as well as all co-channel power and other sources of noise and it is related to the above parameters through the following formula:
    • RSRQ=N*(RSRP/RSSI) - Where N is the number of Resource Blocks of the E-UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth.

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