7 Amazing Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Rice is a primary crop all over the world for centuries. Today, rice is a staple in more than 100 cultures, and there are more than 40,000 varieties grown. In India, our food is incomplete without rice and available in many varieties. There are many types of rice like long-grain basmati, black rice, white rice, and sticky rice — but in terms of health benefits, not all are created equal.

Brown Rice

Traditionally, we used to eat rice with the husk, but with time, dehusked white rice (Brown Rice) came into the limelight because of its numerous health benefits. Brown rice is a super nutritious whole grain packed with various nutrients. 

What is brown rice?

Brown rice is a dehusked and unpolished rice produced by removing the outer layer-the hull of the rice kernel. This procedure helps brown rice to keep its nutritional value high. It is chewier as compared with white rice and has a nutty flavor. 

Nutritional profile of brown rice

Brown rice is healthier than white rice when it comes to nutritional value. This superfood is low in calories, fat, and gluten-free. Hence, all diet conscious people prefer this rice over white rice. This rice also contains some essential nutrients are as follows:
  • Dietary fibers
  • Minerals-zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and selenium
  • Vitamins-vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin E, and vitamin K
  • Antioxidants-Flavonoids
  • Proteins
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Health benefits of brown rice

Brown Rice

Brown rice might not be as tasty as white rice. But the nutritional benefits of brown rice can convince you to make slow and steady changes in your diet. Here are the unknown health benefits of brown rice 

1: Helps to weight loss

Brown rice is one of the famous food used for weight loss. It is rich in dietary fibers that help to keep you fuller over a longer time, so choosing fiber-rich foods may help you consume fewer calories overall. Replacing brown rice with white rice can help to reduce your belly fat too. Different studies suggest that people who eat more brown rice weights less than those who eat white rice. 

2: Controls blood sugar level

To control blood sugar naturally, you have to include low carbohydrates and fats in your diet. Brown rice is the best option for it. It is beneficial to control blood sugar levels as it has a low glycemic index. A low glycemic index means the food you consume digests slower, and it doesn’t cause your blood sugar to spike after that. Studies show that by eating three servings per day of whole grains like brown rice, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 32%. Brown rice contains phytic acid, fiber, and essential polyphenols that helps in the slower release of sugars, hence, keeping us healthy.

3: Aids digestion

Brown rice is a helpful staple that can be easily added to the daily diet to optimize the digestive system. The fibers present in brown rice helps to regulate the intestinal movements and keep your bowel movements regular. They have excellent results to cure colitis and constipation. 

4: Controls cholesterol levels

It is a preferable choice for many people because it contains a low level of cholesterol. The oil present in brown rice is known to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) to a large extent. The fiber in brown rice binds to the cholesterol in the digestive system and helps in its excretion. 

5: Neuro-protective effective

Brown rice helps to cut down the risk of cognitive dysfunction and neurodegenerative disorders. They are rich in fibers that lower the cholesterol levels known to add to the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. This rice can help cut down on cholesterol by replacing it with healthier nutrients such as fiber. It is also beneficial to treat various diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. They also act excellent in depression, anxiety, or stress.

6: Improves maternal health

Brown rice works amazingly in post-partum depression. Consumption of this rice showed positive results in nursing women to improve disturbed mood, stages of depression, and fatigue. 

7: Maintains bone health

Brown rice is rich in calcium, and magnesium helps to maintain bone health. It is helpful to treat medical conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

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