#OustDuterteNow trends on social media


Wazzup Pilipinas!?

The Philippines logs 22,366 additional #COVID19 infections on Monday, August 30.

Total now at 1,976,202, with 148,594 active cases

222 new deaths; 33,330 total

16,864 new recoveries; 1,794,278 total

Twenty two thousand three hundred sixty six in a day??? Take note we have face shield that is mandatory to wear because the government said it's helpful.

This notwithstanding the fact that we wear face shield religiously despite the absence of overwhelming research to back it up. 

We are clearly on the way to 20,000 COVID cases per day. No one to blame but Duterte, Duque and the entire IATF. With the seemingly uncontrollable COVID surge, we must heighten our resolve to demand accountability and an overhaul of government's pandemic response plan.

It is the Filipino people's job to look after themselves, but it is the government's duty to come up with concrete and effective plans in battling the Covid 19 pandemic.

One year of going back and forth to different quarantine classifications and yet everyday the number of cases are record breaking. god, it’s brutal out here and we definitely need to #OustDuterteNow!

This same pandemic has exposed the corruption and ineptitude of Duterte and his cohorts, putting in danger countless Filipinos for his criminal negligence and twisted priorities.

Nagkalat ang mga sticker ng AFP at NTF-ELCAC sa Araw Ng Mga Bayani at protesta ng mga manggagawang pangkalusugan upang huwad na magpugay sa mga health care workers at sa berdugong AFP.

Ang tunay na pagpupugay ay sa pamamagitan ng pakikinig at pagtugon sa panawagan ng health workers! Posters for token appreciation? Our HCWs need something more significant.

The Duterte regime has funds for NTF-ELCAC red-tagging posters that praise health workers on national heroes day while actually neglecting the health sectors' demands and not spending on their benefits. 

The healthcare workers warned they stage “big mass actions” and “coordinated lockdown” if the government will continue to neglect them despite the hard work and the risks they had to face amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

It’s very painful to see the people fighting for us and saving our lives beg for the pay that they deserve.

It saddens me greatly to see our health-care professionals suffer and beg for the salary they deserve. They are credited as heroes by the government, but they continue to be treated as trash.

100% support to frontliners who will be staging these actions! Sama-sama na 'to, COVID-19 at #DuterteWakasan!

No amount of flowery words will ever lift our modern-day heroes' morale as long as their demands remain unheard. Our modern-day heroes, our frontliners, deserve the best.

“Celebrate the heroism of healthcare workers by providing benefits, not token appreciation”—CPDG

A policeman who was rushed to a hospital in Valenzuela City for high blood pressure threatened the health workers at the triage area early Sunday morning, according to the Philippine National Police. 

Duterte has elevated the military and the police economically and politically that even their very psyche thinks they're above everyone.

Duterte forged and strengthened these lapdogs.

Criminal threat ito! Tinatakot niya ang Healthcare workers! 

Hindi bayani ang AFP. Dahil sa militaristikong lockdown ng rehimeng Duterte sa pangunguna ng mga utak-pulburang militar at kapulisan, patuloy na tumataas at lumalala ang kaso ng Covid-19.

Duterte-AFP-PNP-Covid, salot sa taumbayan!

We're standing with our healthcare workers who have long been abused by an oppressive and unjust system, and even more during this new peak of COVID surge.

Good governance and leadership leads to good results, which the current administration lacks, so we Filipinos should learn to choose the right leaders. 

We vow to continue and make the wave of justice rise above the trough of greed and corruption amid the pandemic and suffering of our people. Let us show the culprits that even Insatiability must know its limits. Together, we can do this.

If there's an iota of evidence, the Senate and others should file a case. The people deserve investigation based on evidence not by publicity. Ombudsman will surely act if there's basis.

Don't let these Senate probes remain as just that. Level up!

President Rodrigo Duterte has accepted PDP-Laban's endorsement to run for vice president in the 2022 elections.  

We must oppose this. No to another six years of blatant incompetence, criminal negligence, political repression, and human rights abuses!

Disgusting! Nauseous! We don't need Duterte to lead our country ever again. He's the worst! Incredibly incompetent! He is never one w/ the people. He's an enabler of corruption & tyranny, allies of the Marcoses and the Arroyos who are known plunderers! Disgusting! Nauseous!

I thought he is already tired? I don't believe he cares for the people anymore.  I think this move is more on holding to power than to serve.

This is unconstitutional--but who's surprised? It's only one of the laws Duterte has broken on the last 5 years.

If we let the Duterte Monarchy win, we will be sacrificing our country to the hands of dictators once again.

Duterte wants to run this country to the ground just so he could protect his personal interest. 

'GO SIGNAL TO INVESTIGATE': The International Criminal Court (ICC) through its outgoing Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has requested for judicial authorization to proceed with investigation in the Philippines after concluding its preliminary investigation. 

"On the basis of that work, I have determined that there is a reasonable basis to believe that the crime against humanity of murder has been committed on the territory of the Philippines.. in the context of the Government of Philippines ‘war on drugs’ campaign,” Bensouda said.

In a statement, the ICC said that majority of the "war on drugs" victims support the ICC prosecutor’s request to investigate possible "crimes against humanity" in PH.

Its Judges will analyze all information received from the victims, and will "issue their decision in due time."

We also debunk a 'DDS' vs 'Dilawan' narrative. We focus the campaign on inclusive conversation in the communities discussing topics on what do you care, what are your hopes for the future, what kind of Philippines you want to see, and what kind of leader you want. 

With corruptions all around the place, failures in handling the pandemic, its frontliners, especially health workers. all to be blamed to the one y'all voted in 2016.  

Remember when Duterte used “end political dynasties” as part of his campaign promises?

End political dynasties to make way for his pala. 

Our national heroes fought for this country to have a better Philippines, and for the future generation. This is not about being a dds or dilawan, but choosing what's best for our country, and make us more proud to be Filipinos.

Records show how Pharmally Pharma, a 7mo corp with P599k total asset in end 2019 is able to bag 1st govt deal on April 14, 2020 for P54M, on its way to a total P8.7B gig. It edges out by a mile those with long history of govt procurement.  

Both the war on drugs and the crackdown on human rights defenders in the Philippines display Duterte's ruthless style of leadership. He and his cronies must be held accountable. 

Good News : we have a new breed of heroes

Bad News : we have a new breed of plunderers

Ugly News : many Filipinos still don't give a damn.

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