Movie Review: Love at First Stream

Love at First Stream revolves around the new normal, where life is wildly digital. They are the Stream Team: the unstoppable dreamer Vilma (Daniela), the loyal lover boy Tupe (Anthony), the sweet girl-next-door Megumi (Kaori) and the bad boy heartthrob with a heart of gold Gino (Jeremiah). The film showcases these young characters and how they experience romantic relationships, family and fight for their ambitions and dreams.
Love at First Stream is relatable, full of fresh vibes, timely and heartwarming. This is what I miss watching on a big screen. A natural romcom that you can't deny to feel kilig while watching and as what it said on the film #CGMagic. It is timely because the movie revolves on a striving streamer which is in demand nowadays as we totally gear up and almost live and interact in the online world.  The love story of the two couples featured in this film feels authentic, mirroring the reel love story of popular love teams in social media and their real love life behind the camera. The film is heartwarming because the core of the story about family is something that all of us can relate to. We do have our own family issues and this film succeeds in pinching our heart and you will just realize that your tears were just falling while watching this. Love at First Stream is a breath of fresh air with the four new breed of actors launched here. Daniela is so cute and decently fit as a gen z go getter. She is funny and naturally charming. His partner Anthony Jennings is a good actor with his impressive eyes that tells a lot. He fits the role as a young boy that is never seen by the love of her life. Kaori is just being herself in this film and delivers as a supportive cousin to Daniela but she shines every time she shares screen with Jeremiah that on the other hand is definitely a leading man material. The chemistry of the two overflows and undeniable. KaoMiah shines together in each of their scenes and I can say that they are a potential of a new love team to build up after DonBelle. The supporting cast are noteworthy to mention from Igi Boy Flores, Gail Banawis and Melissa Gibbs that are all into their character especially Agot Isidro that serves as the typical mother that we have in life. Her most of the scene with Daniela, especially the confrontation scene is relatable and feels like it also happens in your life.  The theme song of the film No Stopping You sung by SB19 adds fresh vibes to the film. If you want to be in love, bond with your family and loved ones in the cinema and feel good, watch Love at First Stream!

My Verdict: 4/5

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