Laughter Yoga is an Excellent Way to Relieve Stress

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. This is why an evolving form of yoga is becoming popular in the country which makes use of laughter as its main principle.

Laughter yoga, or “Lyoga”, was founded by Dr. Madan and Madhuri Kataria in India.

In the studies conducted by Dr. Kataria, our bodies release a cocktail of hormones and chemicals that have startling positive effects on our system as we laugh. Therefore, stress is reduced, blood pressure drops, depression is lifted and your immune system is boosted.

“LYoga” was later brought to the Philippines by Elvie Estavillo and she soon established the Laughter Yoga Club of the Philippines in 2008.

In Laughter Yoga, laughter is a tool and not an emotion. The tension-releasing laughter exercises are combined with stretching exercises, rhythmic clapping and chanting in unison.
According to Elvie, she initially started with a few students in Metro Manila. “LYoga” proved to be a hit among Filipinos.

“I love to laugh and I carry laughter wherever I go and I can say that it really reinforce positive response. So I somehow concluded that many Filipinos need laughter to help them relax and de-stress,” says Elvie.

Elvie says that during these difficult times, “LYoga” is a good way to relax. Since she started the yoga sessions, she has steadily gained students from all over the country inviting her to come over and conduct “LYoga.”

“I have about 70 standing requests for LYoga sessions to date from Cagayan de Oro, Davao, Cebu, Legaspi, Baguio, Pangasinan, Bataan, and Cavite,” Elvie says.
She adds those who may want to try “LYoga” should first believe in the power of yoga to reap its health benefits.

(source: Yahoo News)

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