4 Delicious Ways to Fight Arthritis

Bananas are known for containing large amounts of potassium, bananas are even healthier than you might think.

According to Reader’s Digest, Vitamin B and C as well as folate are essential in the fight against arthritis, and bananas have them in large quantities.

The best time to eat bananas is when they are fully ripened which means they have a very bright yellow peel. If plain banana isn’t your thing, try blending one with some other fruits and a little bit of milk to make yourself a great tasting shake that is p acked with tons of arthritis fighting nutrients.

2) Sweet Peppers- Just one green pepper contains 176 percent of your daily requirement of Vitamin C. Yellow and red peppers have double that amount. They are also great sources of both folate and Vitamin B. And sweet peppers can be prepared in different ways to help compliment your meal. Keep peppers it in the fridge until you are ready to use them. Remove the seeds when preparing to cook.

Roast or saute them with olive oil, salt, pepper and the herbs of your choice to bring out their flavor.

3) Cheese- The one thing all cheeses have in common is a good amount of folate and Vitamin B6, both essential in the fight against arthritis.

4) Green tea- Green tea has become popular in recent years because of reports that it contains powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. These antioxidants are held in high regard for fighting cancer and heart disease, and according to Reader’s Digest, they are currently being tested as a deterrent for rheumatoid arthritis.

(source: Abante Onlilne)

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