Spreading Of Fake News About Disasters Could Impose Penalties In Taiwan

A preliminary review of an amendment regarding the spreading of fake news and fake information about disasters. The draft bill called Disaster Prevention and Protection Act passed its initial review.

A false information given to fire department or police will be subjected to a fine of NT$300,000 (Php510,000) up to NT$500,000 (Php850,000). A spread of false message or rumor that could harm to public is subjected to imprisonment for up tot 3 years or a fine of NT$1million (Php1.7million).

For a false information regarding disasters that lead to a death of someone is punishable by 7years of imprisonment up to lifetime, according to the newly passed reviewed draft bill.

The amendment was to prevent the efficiency of disaster response actions to be at risk and to protect also the safety of both firefighters and police officers. Several bills have been listed as top priorities to fight fake news and fake information.

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