Taipei Zoo To Close For 10 Straight Days In June

From June 19 to June 28, Taipei Zoo will close for a 10 days period as construction work, repair and heavy maintenance will go underway. It will be the first of the iconic zoo in the city to close for 10 days in the last 30 years.

Taipei Zoo is only closed for one day per year which is on Lunar New Year needs to have its construction done. One Monday at a time closure is not enough to have its repairs that cause more cost and inconvenience to the animals.

From 30,579 participants, only 521 disagree for the zoo closure and the rest welcome the restoration and high maintenance of the zoo that drive the officials of the zoo to continue the improvement of the place.

The 10 day closure plan is to increase the wellbeing of the animals in their habitat and will improve the quality visit or visitors of both local and tourists and also will shorten the period of needed works, reported by CNA.

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