Couples Who Fart In Front of Each Other Have Stronger Relationship, Marriage Guru Claims

Cynthia Powell, a relationship guru, claimed in an interview on the influential Irish Late Late TV that farting in front of your partner leads to a stronger and healthier relationship.

There might be time where you felt the desire let go of something embarrassing in front of your partner, but you decided not to and hold it for long, in this case you are losing the chance to improve your relationship with her or him.

You may be putting your relationship at risk because of embarrassment - that's what other people might think of you.

But, did you know that according to a study, farting in front of your partner can actually boost your relationship to even healthier and longer.

The study confirms it that farting in front of your partner, leads to a stronger and healthier relationship.

Relationships are more likely to stay together and live healthier when couples started to overcome gap between each other at their early stage together.

The renowned relationship guru, Powell, claimed during an interview on the influential Irish Late Late TV chat show, that farting in front of each other is good to relationship.

She mainly offered the advice to the filthy rich couples, but so you know not only the rich farts. So everyone could take this advice.

Powell believed that overcoming embarrassment open up a whole new period of openness, honesty and trust.

Some people might say that why should they believe Powell if she didn't even hold any medical degree, well to tell you, she is a respected and funny genius based in New York when it comes to relationship.

Her theory make a perfect sense. All humans fart, so why not fart with the one you love most?

So, the next time you’ll feel the urge to take out the blow, don’t hesitate and just let it be!

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