Eating Kimchi can Treat Hair Loss and Baldness, Study Shows

kimchi, baldness

According to a published study conducted by the Dankook University group of researchers in South Korea, kimchi can promote hair growth as it increases the hair density, and can also help to cure baldness.

The study was participated by 23 men in a group who were experiencing varied types of hair loss.

Participants were in different stages of hair loss, some were in early stage and some were already balding.

In The World Journal of Men’s Health where the study was published, it says that throughout the process, participants were asked to consume kimchi before breakfast and bedtime meals.

Kimchi is a traditional side dish in Korea consisting salted and fermented vegetables that can be served as main dish, it is recognized as a spicy fermented cabbage dish internationally.

The participants agreed to the researchers to have their hair counted before and after the study, as part of their terms and conditions agreement.

As the study come to beginning, all men had an average of 85-hair-count per square inch. A month later, the number roses to 90, and then became 92-hair-count per square inches at the end of the 4th month.

Researchers concluded based on the changes observed with the individuals, significant increase in their hair growth was evident on most of the participants.


Most of them appeared to have been overcome their hair loss with the help of taking kimchi, so in the end they will be able to cure their baldness.

Baldness is a condition of hair loss, showing the absence of hair, it is usually most noticeable on the scalp, but baldness can occur anywhere on the body where hair grows. hair loss more likely to happen to men than that to women.

At the end, the researchers claimed that kimchi is the most effective yet safer alternative for hair loss and baldness medication, because it can be taken indefinitely with nothing to worry about its side effects.

 Photo courtesy: Nextshark,

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