Japanese Man Marries a Virtual Character After Experiencing Humiliation from Real Women

Akihiko Kondo, Hatsune Miku

A Japanese man, Akihiko Kondo, married a virtual pop-star, because of his distrust to real women, it happened after he experienced humiliation and oppression from the past.

Akihiko Kondo was a 35-year-old Japanese man who had been reportedly known to be as persistent on avoiding women after his experiences that drove him to this social rejection and emotional distance condition.

He considered marrying Hatsune Miku, a virtual pop-star, to avoid real women in his life time where he experienced maltreatment and abuse.

Hatsune Miku is an animated 16-year-old hologram with huge anime eyes and aquamarine pigtails.

Kondo and Miku tied the knot during their wedding ceremony in Tokyo in front of their 40 guests, including a member of Japanese Parliament. He spent $12,500 for the overall ceremony.

Unfortunately, his mother and some other relatives didn't come at their wedding because they apparently couldn't accept the fact that Kondo will marry a virtual woman than seeing someone in real life.

People found Kondo's wedding shocking, as it is strange to hear someone who would marry something beyond reality. However, Kondo accepted the criticisms he received from others with an open heart and mind.

Akihiko Kondo, Hatsune Miku

He kept in his mind that love and happiness is not all about a man and a woman get married and have children, but the acceptance of the truth. He also expressed that he belong to sexual minority as he was unable to attract with real women.

“I’m not seeking these in real women. It’s impossible,” Akihiko said when asked about the qualities he looked for in a life partner.

“It’s simply not right, it’s as if you were trying to talk a gay man into dating a woman, or a lesbian into a relationship with a man.”

Kondo's decision might be hard for other people to understand but it was Hatsune Miku, the virtual girl, who “healed” him, and who he swore with his life. hat's enough reason to consider.

For him, he made the right choice as he is really in love with the virtual personality. He also stated that there are several advantages of marrying Hatsune as she wasn't able to cheat, age or die.

Akihiko Kondo, Hatsune Miku

“I never cheated on her, I’ve always been in love with Miku-san,” Kondo said.

“I’ve been thinking about her every day.”

During the wedding Kondo announced to the world his love to Hatsune.

“Today, I held a wedding ceremony with Miku,” Kondo recently wrote on Twitter.

“We invited 39 people and held the ceremony seriously. Many blessings through words, messages of support and cooperation were realized. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to those who supported us.”

Sounds strange and difficult to understand. However, this kind of marriage between humans and virtual characters are no more surprising in Japan as according to the Gatebox, there were around 3,000 official marriage registration in this kind of relationship. Kondo was not alone.

Photo Credit:  Twitter @yamadataro43

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