Herbert Bautista Runs For Senatorial Race


Senatorial aspirant Herbert Bautista shares on the recent bloggers conference his plan and advocacy when he wins the senatorial seat.

He shared the reason for running as senator and his latest experience in campaigning on the time of pandemic. He highlights the achievement and legacy he left as Mayor of Quezon City and tell us the bill and projects he started and pioneered in Quezon City.



Senatorial and former Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista welcomes the IATF decision to finally allow local cinemas to reopen after months of closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Senatoriable Herbert, more popularly known as “Bistek” in the local showbiz scene, first made a name of for himself as an actor/comedian before throwing his hat into and making an indelible mark in public service.

He is such an industry stalwart that seeing movie workers lose their jobs from cinema closure during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic broke his heart.

With the re-opening of cinemas last November 10, Senatoriable Herbert now urges the public to go out and support local productions that braved protocol restraints to provide them much-needed entertainment.

This early, his sights are also trained on public support for movies that will make up this year’s Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) line-up.


Needless to say, the local TV and movie industry is closest to Senatoriable Herbert’s heart. As such, bills that would benefit the industry and its workers will be on top of his priorities once elected to the Senate in the 2022 polls.

In addition to this, Senatoriable Herbert is poised as well to push for bills and programs that would cater to and benefit locally produced products, i.e. food, fabric, etc that would boost and strengthen overall national pride.

At the onset of the “new normal” campaign season, Senatoriable Herbert will put together interesting vlogs that would feature the best albeit of neglected aspects of Pinoy culture and everyday life for the infotainment of not just the Boomers and Gen Zs but more importantly, the Alpha generation as well.


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