Maximum NT200,000 Fine For Drunk Driving In Taiwan

Drunk driving in Taiwan is punishable by law with a maximum fine up to NT$200,000 (Php345,000). If caught, an officer will ask for a breath test and if if the breathalyzer measurement was over 0.55mg/L they will issue the penalty.

For some test two bottles of beer, it measures 0.66mg/L, therefore these two bottles of beer before driving will set you back for a penalty if caught. For migrant workers, residence permit can be cancelled and ordered to leave Taiwan and possibly blacklisted (will no longer allowed to work in Taiwan).

The penalty for drivers vary on type of vehicle, the bigger the vehicle the bigger the penalty. Vehicles can be a bicycle, electric bicycle, scooter or a car.

Broker agencies with regards to migrant workers;

Agencies always give warning to migrant workers on not operate any vehicle under the influence of alcohol. This policy is very aggressive that it reflects how the courts of Taiwan are handling this kind of violations of migrants.

Any migrant workers caught drunk driving can be put into a jail or pay a hefty fine. By doing illegal in Taiwan, a migrant worker’s work permit will be terminated by the Ministry of Labor. When the work permit have been cancelled, next will be suspension of residence permit and without it the heavy penalty will be deportation and possibly will be blacklisted and unable to work back in in Taiwan.

Any migrant inquiry may call Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor (1955 hotline).

A breathalyzer test;

A blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.25mg/L and up (or around 0.05% in the blood) will result in a violation. Drivers that exceed the limits of BAC will be subjected to penalties under the Regulations Governing Traffic Violations and Penalties. Any drivers despite of whatever vehicle is used are not allowed to drive even with those non-license vehicles (bicycle, electric – bicycle).

Regulations Governing Traffic Violations and Penalties;

By summary of the Article 35 stated above, drivers whose BAC is exceeding the designated limits is subjected for penal fine. License of the accused driver will be revoked. Penalties will be doubled if violations are committed and caused accidents while travelling with children under 12yrs of age.

License of those drivers that have caused serious accidents, serious injuries and deaths will be cancelled permanently. Refusing for a breathalyzer test will automatically fine NTD90,000 (Php 153,000) and the vehicle will be towed, then the driver will be sent by police or officers to the nearest medical institution to take blood samples for alcohol test.

(image credit to Google search)

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