Employers To Acquire Respite Care Services To Give Foreign Caregivers The Vacation Leave Without Hesitation

To secure the health and well-being of the foreign and migrant caregivers, caretakers and household workers, Taiwan Government have approved the so called respite care assistance to the employers. It is a care assistance on a temporary basis given to the Taiwanese families with workers having minimum wage, according to the Ministry of Labor (MOL).

On the new regulation of respite care assistance, Taiwanese nationals who have hired any foreign or migrant caregiver or caretakers to take care of their family member with severe disability, individuals that are living alone and those elderly aged 70 years old and above are qualified for the care assistance.

On this move by the government of Taiwan, foreign caregiver and caretaker can now have their vacation leave for a maximum of 21 days as the labor law granted them. Taiwanese families who have foreign workers that wish for the vacation leave may file an application for the respite care services as long as they are eligible.

Caregivers and caretakers that are taking care of the mentioned eligibility may tell their employers in advance for their leave so that they can have a vacation in their homeland. This will help the employer to file their application in advance for the assistance program.

Subsidy for the assistance program depends in economic situation of the employer. If the household is low income, it will be giver a full funded respite care assistance, while those middle to high with at least average income will be given 95 percent and 85 percent respectively.

According to reports, an amount of NT$182 Million (PHP309 Million) will be used for the implementation of the short term relief assistance program for caregivers. Caregivers or families that wish to avail a respite care service or like to know more information can call the hotline 1966.

About 28,000 foreign workers as caregivers and caretakers will benefit from the respite care services. There are about 253,000 plus household workers in Taiwan that mainly come from Indonesia (193,187) while others from the Philippines (31,600) and Vietnam (28,392). Fellow OFW will have a chance to have their splendid vacation at home.

Labor law for foreign / migrant workers regarding leave;

All migrant workers in Taiwan are entitled for a 14-21 day vacation leave on the day they their choice prior it is told and filed in advance and is granted by the labor law of the country. This is a paid vacation as credit is given to the migrant workers.

Although not all employers are in favor for this as they need full assistance and some are working beyond the expected working hours. For caregivers, caretakers and household workers this kind of working hours is abuse to their right as a migrant worker. Others are forcefully work straight without rest days or off days and not even paid.

Household workers are still calling to raise their salary at least up to the minimum wage for proper compensation and hard work. The respite care assistance program is somehow a relief to those working in household.

(Images from Google search)

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