POEA Warns Job Scamming Scheme In Facebook

Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) refresh and warns applicants on the spreading of fake overseas jobs posted in the internet, particularly in Facebook. This fake jobs are posted is some facebook groups to scam for money.

Supposed job vacancy are posted have high salary, free transportation, free food and accommodation, also posted with high and several benefits like high overtime pay, paid vacation leave and others.

If anyone posted something like this and if they require to pay for a processing fee, visa or work permits is definitely a scam. Alleged scam jobs for countries going to Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Singapore, United States, United Kingdom and other highly developed countries.

According to an applicant, by applying to this scheme and sending a resume you will receive an email informing that you are qualified to the job and will ask for an amount of Php9,800. This money must be remitted to a local Philippine bank within 48hours or the slot will be given to others and this kind of doing if definitely a scam.

Any transactions must be made in an office of a legal recruitment agency and not just only via email. Go to poea.gov.ph to validate the authenticity of job orders, for any inquiries anyone can contact POEA at 7221144 and 7221155, POEA mobile application is also available at Google Play and Apple App store for free.

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