Woman Allegedly Cries "Crystal Tears" Everyday, Experts Suspect Her of Faking it

Munchausen syndrome

A 22-year-old Armenian woman, Satenik Kazaryan, that allegedly has biochemically and anatomically impossible condition had been accused by some experts of faking her condition by placing shards of glass on her eyes sockets so that it would look like she is crying with crystal tears every day.

Crying is the welling of tears in the eyes in response to an emotional state, pain, suffering or even or a physical irritation of the eye. But for an Armenian woman in Spandaryan village, her crying is extremely excruciating, this is because he is crying with solid crystals with sharp edges making it hurts horrible.

According to report, the 22-year-old first started crying crystal tears a few days ago after visiting a dentist.

Munchausen syndrome

She visited an ophthalmologist when she felt kike sand had gotten in her eyee, the doctor was shocked of what he discovered, he urgently prepared operation and extracted several crystals from the woman eyes.

However, since then, her life has become a living hell, as she claimed to cry around 50 crystal tears a day.

The medical field was shocked of it, but some of the medical experts doubted that the woman possibly placed those sharp glass shards in her eyes' pocket.

“They have not encountered such a disease and do not know how to treat it. They have not even diagnosed it.” Kazaryan told Armenian TV channel Mir24.

The video posted online showing the extraction of glass-like crystal from her eyes have gone viral making it a solid evidence to prove that she really has the rare conditio.

Extracted solid tears have been sent to a lab for analysis and verification, while the Armenian deputy health minister, Oganes Arutyunyan, had come out with a statement, saying that Satenik Kazaryan’s condition is being investigated in order to figure out the truth behind her condition.

In an interview with a Russian ophthalmologist Tatyana Shilova, she said that the formation of such crystal tears in the human body is theoretically possible if and only a person’s body composition had completely changed. However, she added that the person who have such rare formation most likely suffer serious heart or brain issues.

Dr. Ivan Schwab, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of California Davis School of Medicine, expressed his distrust to Kazaryan in Insider that he believed her condition to be impossible.

“I’m not claiming absolute knowledge of this, but I’ve never seen anything like this in my 30-plus years as ophthalmologist. I don’t see how this could happen biochemically or anatomically,” he said.

Not too long ago and the truth was unveiled after the Armenian media outlets started reporting that Satenik Kazaryan may be suffering from Munchausen syndrome after Professor Anna Hovakimyan, of the Armenian Republican Ophthalmological Centre explained the condition, saying that the crystals extracted from Kazarysan's eye were all normal glass shards.

Munchausen syndrome is a factitious disorder, it is q mental disorder in which a person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she is not really sick and totally fine.

"Those believed to be crystal tears are just simple glass." Olga Radionova, a gemologist, said.

Russian station NTV reported that they were told that the woman started crying the bizarre tears after her 5-year-old son, Vanik, broke a glass vase and a shard got in her eye.

Armenian health ministry is still investigating the matter.

Sounds strange and difficult to believe, but it wasn't the first case of a person crying solid tears. We already have Laura Ponce, a Brazilian woman who claimed to have been crying crystal tears for 20 years, and Manasi, a young Indian girl who was reported to be allegedly crying small white pebbles every day.

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