Axie Infinity: Use Legit Ronin Wallet To Avoid Hack

The only basic rule to avoid getting hacked on Axie Infinity and to never lose axies on the NFT-based online video game is to use a legit Ronin Wallet.

That's right, and devs of the popular play-to-earn game made it clear  that the real Ronin Wallet is the browser extension available on the Google Chrome Store and Firefox Browser Add-ons.

"There is no Ronin Mobile Wallet at the moment," Axie Infinity posted on Twitter last July 24, 2021, adding that scammers "are uploading fake Ronin wallets in many locations."

The social media department of Sky Mavis clarified that these are the only official Ronin Wallet extensions:

If you spot websites, apps, or softwares other than the official Ronin Wallet extensions, those are fake.

Be aware that Axie Infinity players are targets of scammers and hackers these days as axies become expensive. Don't be a victim.

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