iPhone User Files a Lawsuit Against Apple For Turning Him Gay

iphone, apple, gay

An iPhone user in Russia, D. Razumilov, filed a million ruble lawsuit against Apple, for allegedly indirectly turning him into gay.

D. Razumilov claimed that he became mired and troubled with same-sex relationship after he received different kind of cryptocurrency on his virtual wallet application that he installed in his phone on 2017. He allegedly received a transfer of 69 GayCoins, a cryptocurrency especially designed for LGBTQIA+ community, from an unidentified sender.

The transfer was also accompanied with a message: "Don't knock it till you've tried it." That eventually drove Razumilov to involve in gay relationship.

“I thought, indeed, how can I judge something without trying it? And decided to try same-sex relationships,” D. Razumilov wrote on his official complaint.

“I can say after the passage of two months that I’m mired in intimacy with a member of my own sex and can’t get out. I have a steady boyfriend and I don’t know how to explain it to my parents. After receiving the aforementioned message, my life has changed for the worse and will never be normal again.”

“Apple pushed me towards homosexuality through manipulation. The changes have caused me moral and mental harm,” the iPhone user added.

Sapizhat Gusnieva, standing lawyer of Razumilov, told in an interview with the press that the lawsuit was very serious, and that her client had undoubtedly suffered and become damage as a result of Apple’s failure to act regarding the matter.

The lawyer claimed that even though the message was received on a third-party app, he said that the corporation should take responsibility for what happened in their platform. As a result, Gusnieva was obligating the corporation to pay Razumilov one million rubles ($15,300) as compensation for his loss.

Lawsuit was registered on Wednesday, and the hearing of Razumilov against iPhone was scheduled on October 17, according to an online database.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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