Gov't nurses to get over P35,000 basic salary this 2022

Good news for government nurses working public hospitals and health facilities! They will get basic monthly salary of over P35,000 this year due to the implementation of Salary Standardization Law 5.

Based on the third tranche of SSL 5 which takes effect starting this January, gov't nurses under Salary Grade 15 will get P35,097. That's a P1,522 increase from the previous rate of P33,575 monthly. 

In a statement, House Deputy Speaker Mikee Romero said that about 1.7 million government workers, not only nurses, will receive higher pay when the new Salary Standardization Law takes effect starting this month.
Nurse salary in 2022

“They should see the increase in their paycheck this week,” Deputy Speaker Mikee Romero said, referring to the new salary adjustments in the third tranche in the four-year compensation program SSL 5. 

Republic Act 11466 was signed into law by President Duterte in January 2020, or two months before he implemented a nationwide lockdown due to a surge in COVID cases. 

Romero, who represents 1Pacman party-list, said the increase covers all government personnel, from the President down to the lowest-paid worker, including local government units (LGUs) and state-owned corporations. 

The monthly pay of Duterte, who holds Salary Grade 33, will go up from P415,728 last year to P423,723 this month, or an additional P7,995.
Salary Standardization Law third tranche
Romero said a Salary Grade 1 holder would receive an additional P483, with his basic pay going up to P12,517. 

The salary of the lowest-paid public school teacher (Salary Grade 11 or Teacher 1) will increase by P1,562 or to P25,439. A Teacher 2 (SG 12) will receive P27,608, while a Master Teacher 4 (SG 21) will get P62,449, Romero said. 

Public school personnel compose the biggest sector in the bureaucracy. 

Romero said government nurses would see their monthly compensation adjusted by P1,522, from P33,575 last year to P35,097 this month. 

The pay level of nurses in public hospitals and health facilities was upgraded from SG 11 to SG 15 under a 2019 SC ruling. 

 Additionally, nursing personnel receive allowances mandated in Bayanihan laws passed by Congress, Romero said. (With reports from

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