More Than 1,000,000 Infected With Coronavirus Across World

coronavirus pandemic

More than a million people have been diagnosed with coronavirus since the pandemic began in December.

The USA has become the new epicentre of the pandemic, accounting for more than a quarter of the world’s cases, according to researchers from Johns Hopkins University. The global death toll has passed 50,000 with Italy and Spain suffering the most.

In the United Kingdom there have been 33,718 cases, 2,921 deaths and 135 recoveries, according to the real-time tracker created by researchers at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

With roughly half of the global population on some form of lockdown, economies around the world are taking a massive hit as businesses are ordered to close and people told to stay inside. This week the World Health Organisation expressed concerns over the ‘near exponential’ growth in cases as 183 countries were affected.

The virus is thought to have originated from a live animal market in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. More than 82,000 cases have been confirmed in the People’s Republic, but doubt has been cast over the legitimacy of the figures.

A confidential White House intelligence report is thought to have accused Chinese authorities of lying about their numbers and under-reporting cases in order to play down the country’s outbreak.

To date more than 204,000 people have recovered from the new disease globally, 76,571 of whom were in China.

[ By Metrok UK ]

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